
Getting The Right Fit: Why Getting Your Home Lift Shaft Sizing Wrong Can Really Cost You

Getting The Right Fit: Why Getting Your Home Lift Shaft Sizing Wrong Can Really Cost You

04 October 2018
Getting The Right Fit: Why Getting Your Home Lift Shaft Sizing Wrong Can Really Cost You

In a recent post we covered the many benefits of installing a residential lift in an existing home.

Whether you’re considering have one installed into the property you’re currently in or are thinking of including one in your next home build, there’s no doubting that they can offer a convenient and cost effective way of ensuring you and your family can enjoy safety, peace of mind, independence and comfort in your own home for many years to come.

However, if you’re going to make your residential lift installation as seamless as it should be, then you’ve got to do things correctly from the beginning.

Getting the shaft sizing right is an essential first step. Get it wrong by making the shaft too big or too small and you’ll make the process a whole lot harder and more expensive that it should to be.

An undersized shaft can cause significant problems as smaller lifts can actually cost a lot more than those of a standard production size.

It’ll also mean that the lift you end up installing will be smaller and less practical for moving large, heavy objects around your home.

On the other hand, an oversized shaft can also greatly increase installation costs due to the need for additional building works and supports.

How To Get It Right

To avoid these issues and ensure that your home elevator installation goes according the plan, the best course of action is to carefully select the correct size and type of lift for your needs and then design and build the shaft to suit it.

As with any architectural design, you don’t ever want to involve any guesswork or uncertainty, so making some clear decisions early on and then sticking to this plan is the best way to ensure that you get a great home lift with as little stress as possible.

If you’re thinking of installing a residential lift in your current home or want to incorporate one into the design of your new home, make sure you speak to us first to make sure that you’re making the right decisions.

As Perth’s most trusted supplier and installer of home elevators we have the product knowledge and industry experience necessary to make sure you can get the job done right the first time around. Get in touch or call us on (08) 6363 5953 today!